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The Todoist Tool for Superface allows you to quickly add the following capabilities:

  • Create a new task
  • Update a task
  • Get info about a task
  • Close a task
  • Delete a task
  • List tasks
  • Create a project
  • Find a project
  • List labels


In order to use the Todoist tool you must authenticate your account using either an API token, or by authenticating your account directly using OAuth. You are free to choose which method you use.


The quickest way to connect your account is by clicking the Sign in with Todoist button in the tool config.

The Sign in with Todoist button in the config

API token

All Todoist accounts have an API token that can be used with this tool. Find yours by logging into your Todoist account and clicking on your name then Settings > Integrations > Developer and copy the API token from that section.

The developer section of the Todoist settings

After copying the API token, you can paste it into the Token field of the Todist tool configuration in Superface.

The config for the Todoist tool in Superface

Click on Save to complete the tool setup.

Re-import your schema

Remember to re-import the schema in your GPT to update it with the new capabilities added by this tool.

Example prompts

To test that everything is working as it should be, from your GPT or the Superface Agent you can try asking:

  • "What tasks are currently open?"
  • "Add a new task called Todoist Documentation with a due date of tomorrow in the Superface project"
  • "Mark the Todoist Documentation task as complete"