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Microsoft Calendar

The Microsoft Calendar tool for Superface allows you to quickly add the following capabilities:

  • Create a new event in a user's calendar or the default calendar of a Microsoft 365 group.
  • Update the properties of an event object in Microsoft Calendar.
  • Retrieve a list of events in the user's mailbox, including single instance meetings and event series.
  • Retrieve the properties and relationships of a specified event object. Returns event data in HTML format and supports extensions for custom properties.
  • This action allows the organizer of a meeting to send a cancellation message and cancel the event.


You will need a Microsoft 365 account.


Superface connects to Microsoft Calendar using OAuth. To connect your account, click on the Sign in with Microsoft button in the Security section of the tool configuration page.

Sign in with Microsoft button

You will be redirected to Microsoft to authorize the connection.

The Microsoft sign in flow

After this you will be returned to the tool configuration page.

Import your schema

Remember to re-import the schema in your GPT to update it with the new capabilities added by this tool.

Example prompts

To test that everything is working as it should be, from your GPT or the Superface Agent you can try asking:

  • What's on my calendar today?
  • Create a new meeting called 'Team Meeting' on Friday at 11am