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The Notion tool for Superface allows you to quickly add the following capabilities:

  • Create a new page in a specified database or as a child of an existing page.
  • Retrieve a specific database's details.
  • Retrieve a specific property of a page in Notion using the 'page_id' and 'property_id'. Returns the property detail.
  • Retrieve a specific page's details.
  • Retrieve user data.
  • List users in a Notion workspace
  • Search for pages and databases with a specific title.


You will need a pre-existing Notion workspace with Workspace Owner permission to set up an Internal Integration. This can be done from the My Integrations section of Notion. If you cannot access this, please ask your Notion workspace owner.

Notion's My Integrations section

  • Click on Create new integration.
  • Select the workspace to associate the integration with.
  • Choose a name for your integration (we recommend Superface).
  • Click on Submit.

Now your integration is setup, you can copy the Internal Integration Token from the Secrets tab.

Notion's My Integrations section


In Notion, your pages and databases need to be connected to your integration in order to make them available to it.

In each top level section you want to use with Superface, click on the page settings menu bar in the top right of the page and find your integration in the Connections section.

The Connection section of the main Notion settings

There you can either add a connection to an integration or modify the settings for one that is already connected.


In Superface, click on the Config button for the Notion tool and set the following values:

  • Token. Use the Internal Integration Token from Notion.

The Superface config for Notion

Click on Save Changes to update the tool with the new credentials.

Import your schema

Remember to re-import the schema in your GPT to update it with the new capabilities added by this tool.

Video walkthrough

Example prompts

To test that everything is working as it should be, from your GPT or the Superface Agent you can try asking:

  • List the users in Notion