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The below example demonstrates how to use the Superface API to provide access to external tools in a MinstralAI powered agent.

If you want to run this example for yourself as a Jupyter Notebook, you can download the .ipynb file.


Install the following dependencies

pip install pandas "mistralai>=0.1.2"


import json
import random
import requests as r
from mistralai.client import MistralClient
from mistralai.models.chat_completion import ChatMessage
from IPython.display import display, Markdown

# Set a random number of your choice, but don't change it
# once you have run the notebook, otherwise you will create another user.

# Use the number to create a unique ID

# Default URL for Superface

# Set the Superface authentication token

# Mistral API Key
MISTRAL_API_KEY = "<your-mistral-api-key>"

# A new array for the user, system and LLM messages to be stored
messages = []

MistralAI Setup

Using the MistralAI SDK set up the client and the model

# Setup MistralAI
model = "mistral-large-latest"
client = MistralClient(api_key="MISTRAL_API_KEY")

Helper functions

Below, we have defined two helper functions.

  • The first gets the list of available tools from your Superface account using the /fd endpoint.
  • The second performs the action that the LLM selects using the /perform endpoint.

These helpers are for example purposes and you are welcome to build different ways to approach these in whatever manner you choose.

# Helper function to return the tool function descriptors
def get_superface_tools():
headers = {"Authorization": "Bearer "+ SUPERFACE_AUTH_TOKEN}
tools = r.get(SUPERFACE_BASE_URL + "/fd", headers=headers)
return tools.json()

# Helper function to perform the action for all the functions.
# This is the only API call required regardless of what the function is.
def perform_action(tool_name=None, tool_body=None):
headers = {"Authorization": "Bearer "+ SUPERFACE_AUTH_TOKEN, "x-superface-user-id": SUPERFACE_USER_ID}
perform = + "/perform/" + tool_name, headers=headers, json=tool_body)
return json.dumps(perform.json())


# User prompt - The weather tool requires no authentication
prompt = "What is the weather in Prague?"

Passing functions to MistralAI

The code below represents starting a new chat session.

  • The initial user prompt is defined first
  • The model, the user prompt, and the list of function definitions from Superface are passed over to the LLM. The tool_choice is set to auto so the LLM has freedom to decide for itself what it wants to use.
messages = [
ChatMessage(role="user", content=prompt)

response =

# Output the response so we see what Mistral is doing

# Add the response message to the message history so it stays in context

Perform function call

From the user prompt and list of function defintions above, Mistral will make a decision about which function definition it wants to use, and what the expected parameters are to complete the task.

These can be extracted from the message history, and used to call the API to get the result using the perform_action helper function.

The response is then added to the messages array, so that the Mistral LLM can determine a final result to present to the user.

# Extract tool intents and params from the assistant response
tool_call = response.choices[0].message.tool_calls[0]
function_name =
function_params = json.loads(tool_call.function.arguments)

# Pass the function name and arguments to Superface
run_function = perform_action(function_name, function_params)

messages.append(ChatMessage(role="tool", name=function_name, content=run_function))

# Show the complete message history so far

Final response

All of the information required by Mistral's LLM is now in place, so we pass the full messages array back to the model so that it can determine the output to the prompt the user submitted.

response =

# Prettify the response as Markdown

The output for this example will look something like this:

The current weather in Prague, Czech Republic is sunny with a temperature of 13°C. It feels like 13°C.


The code shown here is basic example of how to set up MistralAI to accept a prompt and, using the supplied function defintions, decide which function is appropriate to use.

It's up to you how you want to approach building the right elements into your agent.

At a minimum, you need the following ways to interface with Superface's API:

  • A way to retrieve the function definitions from the /fd endpoint
  • A way to create a user session using the /session endpoint
  • A way to execute the selected function using the /perform endpoint

For more detail on how Function Calling works with MistralAI, check out their documentation.