profile = "social-media/publishing-profiles@1.0"
provider = "instagram"

Get Instagram accounts for publishing from Facebook pages
map GetProfilesForPublishing {
  apiVersion = 'v12.0'

  // Initial request: get FB pages
  http GET "/{apiVersion}/me/accounts" {
    request {
      query {
        access_token = parameters.accessToken
        fields = "id,instagram_business_account"

    response 200 "application/json" {
      // Keep only profiles with IG accounts
      pagesWithIgAccounts ={instagram_business_account}) => instagram_business_account &&
      // Now map them to IG profiles
      profiles = call foreach(page of pagesWithIgAccounts) MapPage(page = page)

      return map result {
        profiles = profiles

    response 400 "application/json" {
      return map error {
        title = "Bad request"
        detail = body.error.message

    response 401 "application/json" {
      return map error {
        title = "Unauthenticated"
        detail = body.error.message

    response 403 "application/json" {
      return map error {
        title = "Forbidden"
        detail = body.error.message

operation MapPage {
  http GET "/v13.0/{}" {
    request {
      query {
        // wellp, traversing the edge is undocumented but seems to work for now...
        fields = 'instagram_business_account{id,name,username,profile_picture_url}',
        access_token = parameters.accessToken

    response 200 "application/json" {
      igAccount = body.instagram_business_account

  return {
    id =
    name =
    username = igAccount.username
    imageUrl = igAccount.profile_picture_url