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OneSDK for Node.js

OneSDK is a universal API client for Node.js. This page describes OneSDK public API and configuration options.


OneSDK is available as Node package under the name @superfaceai/one-sdk. For installation in a Node.js environment, run:

npm install @superfaceai/one-sdk
# Or, if you're using yarn
yarn add @superfaceai/one-sdk


Initializing the OneSDK client

OneSDK package exports SuperfaceClient constructor to initialize an SDK client:

import { SuperfaceClient } from '@superface/one-sdk';

const client = new SuperfaceClient();

Performing a use-case (getProfile, getUsecase, perform)

With client initialized, you can perform the use cases in installed profiles using the following series of methods:

  1. getProfile('<profileName>@<[version]>') returns an instance of a profile,
  2. getUsecase('<usecaseName>') returns a use-case from a profile,
  3. perform(input, [options]) performs the use-case with provided input data and an optional options argument.
const profile = await client.getProfile('<profileName>@<[version]>');
const result = await profile.getUsecase('<usecaseName>').perform(
inputField: 1,
anotherInputField: 'hello',
// ...inputs...
provider: 'acme',
// ...options...

Perform returns a result object.

Perform options

There is a number of options that can modify the behavior of a perform().

provider You can specify which provider will a given perform be fulfilled with. This option takes either a configured Provider object, or a string identifying the provider (if the provider is present in configuration). See Selecting a provider for more details.

variant: In some cases, there may exist multiple maps for the same profile/provider combination. These are called variants of a map. This option allows you to specify which variant of the map to use.

parameters: Integration parameters are provider-specific values which can be used in maps and provider definitions; see the glossary for more information on integration parameters, and what they are used for.

security: Security values are used for authenticating to a given provider. Their format depends on the provider and can include, for example, a static API key or a user/password combination. You can find the required format on the profile page in the Superface Catalog.

// For example:
const result = await profile
.perform({/* input */}, {
provider: 'MyProvider'
variant: 'a-specific-variant',
parameters: {flavour: 'sweet'}
security: {
token: '2ab96390c7dbe3439de74d0c9b0b1767'

Getting a profile

When OneSDK is used without configuration (super.json), the string passed to getProfile() must contain its full version, otherwise an error is thrown. This is to prevent unexpected behavior and possible breaking of your application when a profile definition is updated in the Superface Catalog.

const profile = await client.getProfile('fooProfile@1.0.0');

When OneSDK is used with configuration, the version can be omitted in the getProfile() call, as the version is already specified in the configuration file/object.

const profile = await client.getProfile('fooProfile');

For more information on configuration, see Configuring the SDK.

Selecting a provider (getProvider)

By default, OneSDK picks the first configured provider, or the first provider according to profile's priority array as specified in configuration.

You can also override this behavior and choose a specific provider for a perform. Use the getProvider method to obtain a provider object, and pass it to perform().


Read more in the using multiple providers guide.

const provider = await client.getProvider('<providerName>');
const result = await profile.getUseCase('<usecaseName>').perform(
// Input parameters
{ provider }

You can also use the getProvider() function to configure a provider's security values and integration parameters, avoiding the need to specify them in each perform() call.

const provider = client.getProvider({
providerName: string,
options: {
security: {
// Provider specific security values in format:
'<securityValueId>': {
// Security values as described on profile page
// Integration parameters in format:
parameters: {
'<integrationParameterId>': '<integrationParameterValue>'

const result = await profile.getUseCase('<usecaseName>').perform(
// Input parameters
{ provider }

Handling the result (Result type)

The perform method always returns a Result type that is either Ok or Err. This follows the NeverThrow approach. The Result type provides multiple approaches for handling the success and error conditions:


Use isOk() or isErr()to check type of result in conditionals.

if (result.isErr()) {
// Result is error, error.toString() returns human readable description of what went wrong
} else {
// Result is ok and you can access the result data through value

Matching a value or error

The Result provides a match method which accepts two functions. The first function handles the Ok result and the the second one handles the Err result. The conditionals example above can be rewritten using match like this:

value => console.log(value),
error => console.log(error.toString())

Unsafely unwrapping the result

Lastly, you can just use unwrap method which will either return a result value, or throw an error.

try {
// Possible error is thrown here and it contains human readable description of what went wrong :)
const value = result.unwrap();
// You can access value here
} catch (e) {


The Superface OneSDK is configurable through various environment variables:

  • SUPERFACE_SDK_TOKEN - auth token to enable integrations monitoring
  • SUPERFACE_PATH - path to the super.json configuration file; default is ./superface/super.json (relative to current working directory)
  • SUPERFACE_API_URL - URL of the Superface services, useful for SDK development; default is
  • SUPERFACE_METRIC_DEBOUNCE_TIME_MIN and SUPERFACE_METRIC_DEBOUNCE_TIME_MAX - to rate limit metric reporting, OneSDK will send aggregated metrics after at least MIN milliseconds and at most MAX milliseconds; default is 1000 for MIN and 60000 for MAX
  • SUPERFACE_DISABLE_METRIC_REPORTING - set this variable to any value to disable metrics reporting; enabled by default
  • DEBUG - configures the debugging output; disabled by default, to observe all debug messages relevant to OneSDK set this variable to superface*

These can also be passed as configuration parameters during SDK initialization:

const sdk = SuperfaceClient({
// Authenticates with Superface services to enable integration monitoring
// (Equivalent of `SUPERFACE_SDK_TOKEN`)
sdkAuthToken: '<your sdk token>',
// Disables remote metric reporting, enabled by default
disableMetricReporting: false,
// Configures debugging output, disabled by default
// (Equivalent of `DEBUG`)
debug: '',
// For cache setup (only disable for now)
cache: true,
//SuperJson object, or undefined (attempts to load `superface/super.json`)
superJson: undefined,